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Attentive, knowledgeable employees will generate increased sales and contribute to repeat business


The Bass Company performs various customer service related evaluations and analysis. These services are performed; in-person, by telephone and via internet. In many cases, the completed information is obtained from accessing our website. The following topics highlight our services:

Personnel Evaluation

Utilizing the “mystery shopper” concept, Bass Company evaluations may be performed on-site, by telephone, and via the Internet. Our philosophy is to work closely with management in order to implement a program that monitors and encourages excellent customer service, product knowledge, and sales skills.

Customer retention, increased sales and repeat business are positively impacted by a consistent program of employee evaluation. Experience has shown that a significant advantage is achieved when employees are aware that they can be evaluated at any time, and therefore treat each customer as a potential “shopper.”

Performance Analysis

The Bass Company on-line system facilitates the disbursement of data, allowing unlimited access to personnel evaluations and to summary information. Periodic tables and graphs are available to assist in tracking performance and improvement.

Information may be provided on various levels:

  • Overall company performance
  • Branch/store or regional results
  • Historical information by individual employee
  • Internal Controls / Cash Handling

    Objective third party evaluations can also be effective tools in reviewing operational and cash handling procedures. While performing evaluations, a client has the ability to have certain procedures tested, e.g., the actual handling of a return. Also, when cash is involved, it is always good to periodically check the proper handling of certain types of transactions.

    Competitor Evaluations / Analysis

    The Bass Company services also include the availability of performing objective evaluations of competitor services and products. A program to consistently monitor marketplace trends provides fundamental information to enhance clients’ competitive edge.

    Market Impact of New Businesses

    Surveys can be conducted and certain analysis performed to help evaluate the potential revenue impact that an additional location might have on an existing operation.

    Customer / Member Feedback

    The Bass Company can assist in the compiling of feedback data generated from customers.


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